Alchemical Leap
Monumental public sculpture of the leaping red eyed tree frog. Created for the Macau Museum of Art.

Meditating Together in Hope
Yifat, my inspiring life partner and I, have been creating artwork together for a decade now. This work is inspired by our life together, the journey we have taken and the place we find ourselves now.

Meditating Together in Nature
The physics and spirit of Yin and Yang. Also, the love of Jonty and Yifat.

D'Art Frog (Endangered)
Dart frogs, with their striking colors, are now endangered. Habitat destruction, deforestation, and climate change threaten their existence. These captivating creatures remind us of the urgent need to safeguard both their survival and the fragile ecosystems they inhabit.

Rejuvenation in Bronze
Without fail science, magic, and religion have pandered to the cult of youthfulness. This sculpture explores our obcession with youth and beauty.

Take The Shot


An anamorphic work exploring the relationship between life and death.

Long Day in Pretoria With Frog

Pura Vida: Red Eyed Tree Frog
Pura Vida, in English, means “Pure Life”. However, these two words have taken on a much deeper meaning in Costa Rica! It says that no matter your current situation, life for someone else can always be less fortunate than you. Maybe, your situation isn’t all that bad and that no matter how little or how much we have in life, we are all here together and life is short…so start living it “Pura Vida style”.

Body Obsessed World II
How do I perceive my own body?

Consciousness is the state of being aware of an external object or something within oneself.

Mother's Hand
Permanent Collection of the Science Centre, Singapore.
A Mother's Hand is the fuel that enables normal people to achieve the IMPOSSIBLE.

Body Obsessed World I
Using parabolic mathematics, this work is an exploration of how the perceptions of society affect how we feel about ourselves.

Lost Me
Conceived at a deeply challenging time of my life, This work done with acrylic paint and mirrors, explores the way deep joy and pain can co-exist together in the same soul at the same moment in time.

The Hand that Caught Me Falling
Sometimes in life you fall. Fall from love, fall from grace, fall from self, fall from dreams. This is the sculpture of the beautiful hand that caught my soul as it plummeted.


Dad, I Can't See You Properly
This nude of my father is my study on how data flows through the human corpus collosum. We all exist as split personalities: spiritual and operational.

Yogi Banker
This work paints the surprisingly spiritual conversation I had with one powerful Goldman Sachs banker as he sat in the eye of the storm..

Without fail science, magic, and religion have pandered to the cult of youthfulness. This sculpture explores our obcession with youth and beauty.