Produced by Geoff & Fred Atkinson of Vera Productions. Jonty Hurwitz talks about the Meta Ego and how we have evolved as a species to have part of ourselves on hard drives around the world.
Produced and Directed by Geoff & Fred Atkinson of Vera Productions. The technological singularity" is a future time speculated in science fiction. At the singularity moment, a human made machine will design a machine more advanced than itself. This moment will mark the end of mankind's dominance.
In this issue of Meet The Artist, we take a look into Jonty’s life and some of his work. This issue is a special as we interviewed the well established artist and scientist himself.
International Science and Technology Conference (ISTEC) 2015, St. Petersburg, Russia. Written and presented by Mark Konewko, Marquette University, Wisconsen, USA.
Produced and Directed by Geoff & Fred Atkinson of Vera Productions. As we place more of our personal data on the cloud, huge algorithms are starting to build an incredibly accurate picture of who we are. More importantly this "picture" is being used more and more to influence our behaviour on the web.
Creating sculptors that dwarf compared to the head of an ant or a human hair. Artist and entrepreneur Jonty Hurwitz will demonstrate how using technology that pushes the boundaries of science enabled him to push the boundaries of art. In his work he expresses the connection between art, science and love.