Rejuvenation in Bronze
Without fail science, magic, and religion have pandered to the cult of youthfulness. This sculpture explores our obcession with youth and beauty.

Savoy Cat

Long Day in Pretoria With Frog

Learning To Receive
Gracious acceptance is an art.

The Left Hand That Caught Me Falling
Sometimes in life you fall. Fall from love, fall from grace, fall from self, fall from dreams. This is a sculpture of the beautiful hand that caught my soul as it plummeted. I am forever grateful.

Body Obsessed World II
How do I perceive my own body?

Consciousness is the state of being aware of an external object or something within oneself.

The Hand that Caught Me Falling
Sometimes in life you fall. Fall from love, fall from grace, fall from self, fall from dreams. This is the sculpture of the beautiful hand that caught my soul as it plummeted.