
Meditating Together in Hope
Yifat, my inspiring life partner and I, have been creating artwork together for a decade now. This work is inspired by our life together, the journey we have taken and the place we find ourselves now.

Meditating Together in Nature
The physics and spirit of Yin and Yang. Also, the love of Jonty and Yifat.

Rosso Horse
The sculpture honours the idea that horses, and other domesticated creatures, possess an in-built understanding of independence, freedom and self-sufficiency.

Take The Shot


Where Is Heaven Ester?

See-Through Sister

This work explores the nature of Childhood and the complex relationship between fantasy and reality.

Dad, I Need You Right Now
A sculpture exploring the relationship between a son and his father, touching on both the physical and emotional.

Yogi Banker
This work paints the surprisingly spiritual conversation I had with one powerful Goldman Sachs banker as he sat in the eye of the storm..

Without fail science, magic, and religion have pandered to the cult of youthfulness. This sculpture explores our obcession with youth and beauty.