Behind the Scenes, • 12/28/23 Behind the Scenes: Meditating Together Behind the scenes at the Morris Singer Foundry Previous Singulairty in Bronze - foundry Next Signing of Pretoria Frog You Might Also Like Jonty Hurwitz Interview - Meet The Artist - Special #4 | Rootnotion The Meta Ego - our digital subconscious Behind the scenes... my gorgeous sketching robot xx How is my online identity built? Art and Science of Love: The World's Smallest Sculpture | Jonty Hurwitz | TEDxMPIStuttgart
Behind the Scenes, • 12/28/23 Behind the Scenes: Meditating Together Behind the scenes at the Morris Singer Foundry Previous Singulairty in Bronze - foundry Next Signing of Pretoria Frog You Might Also Like Jonty Hurwitz Interview - Meet The Artist - Special #4 | Rootnotion The Meta Ego - our digital subconscious Behind the scenes... my gorgeous sketching robot xx How is my online identity built? Art and Science of Love: The World's Smallest Sculpture | Jonty Hurwitz | TEDxMPIStuttgart