The Interconnectedness Of Universe and Self
Ink on Canvas, Resin and Powder
200 x 200 x 300 cm
As we move deeper into the 21st century humankind is only just starting to develop an understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. We are at the dawn of an unprecedented era where each human begins to take personal responsibility for their impact on the Earth as a whole. For each living entity, mountanous and microscopic, categorised and undiscovered, we have come to know that survival is umbilically linked to the organic whole. This is the thread of life that grows from us to mother earth to the sun to the galaxy and to the Universe.
This knowledge has taken our species all of evolution to learn. It has given us a freedom of creation we never thought we had. We are no longer suffering the delusion that humanity is separate from all of nature. We are one with the Cosmos.
We are part of an energy family much greater than we ever imagined.